Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Copyright and Related Issues

Copyright issues are every important. Being able to protect one’s own work from others is essential in competitive times like these.
It was really nice of Mr. Jason Hardin to come and explain us about copyright and all relates topics. He is the manager of access Services at The Coates Library and also oversees reserve services.
He explained copyright as the legal ownership of an idea or a self-creation or the government recognized ownership of some kind of property which you can control.

Plagiarism is basically an academic sin, ethical lass or a moral sin whereas copyright infringement is actually a crime.The copyright law has been a part of the constitution since 1790.
If people believe that there information and property is protected then they will be able to flourish more creatively and they will be able to develop everything more freely. Copyright only comes into existence from the date the actual work is published. It is a felony to commit a copyright infringement involving more than 10 copies and a value of more than $2500 can be charged to someone who tries to do that.
He explaines what Fair use was and told us how it was very important even in everyday life. Fair use is the provision within copyright law that allows people to reproduce works.
Jason Hardin also explained us how derivative works are different and that parody and satire are protected.
Like Meet the Spartans was a spoof of 300 and it still did not violate any copyright.

A major issue in the world of copyright infringement is the younger generation downloading music illegally. Many college campuses have had issues with their students downloading music off illegal sites.
In Trinity itself, a girl was mad eto pay around $14,000 as she had downloaded 10 old classical songs. The question that comes into play is whether the student who lives on a very small budget is trying to get some music or whether the music producer who is already earning millions should get paid for his job.
I would like to support the student because even if the student downloads a few songs, it will not make any difference to the millions that the artists and the producers already earn.
Creative Commons License
Copyright and related Issues by Asavari Jalan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Monday, September 13, 2010

My Trinity Network Diagram

I made this Trinity Diagram on the basis of what we learnt during our tour of the ITS center.
The ITS employee was very helpful and explained us how the network worked.
Now, I have understood the working of the internet.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Trinity Mystery Spot!

So I thought of using a picture of this specific staircase while I was going to visit a friend. It just seemed like an interesting picture to modify. I really like this location on campus because even though I don't live in this building but I cross it everyday. Also, that stairs have become ignored now. Everyone only uses the elevator. And thus I used this picture. Try guessing where it is???

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Best Tech Tip!

For our second class, we had a guest speaker, Mr. Joe Hash.
He manages the student computer center and was also very knowledgeable about computer protection techniques.
Also, he started with explaining the basic difference in the vulnerability in a Mac compared to a Windows PC.
Thus we knew that since on Macs, no software can get downloaded without the owner's permission which makes it much safer. 
He went on to explain us phishing and how there are people whose sole purpose is just to get other people's private information. So to protect ourselves against this, he said that we should clear our history timely and empty the cache.

Later, he brought to our notice how important it was to update our computer regularly. If it was possible to do it on a daily basis then even that would be very desirable. At the same time, he taught us how to work this new software called ccleaner which would help protect a PC against phishing and other types of such scams.

I believe that this lecture was very helpful and taught me a lot about my computer and its protection.

We should protect now, so that we don't regret later.